Web pages »
- Overview
- Simple web site
- Middle size web site
Nowadays it's hard to imagine the company which does'n have or wishes not to have a weba page.
We offer simple solutions with intuitive interface and affordable price for small and middle sized companies.
Our offering include:
- simple web site
- middle sized web site
Simple web site is simple and cheap way to show up in the Internet.
It usualy consist of one or a few pages with some text.
The service includes graphic design compsed with company colors and logo,
ready to use, filled with data web site with the most important data.
Contact us for more details.
For those, who expects more complex solutions we have something as well.
Middle size web site consist of many individual composed pages and modules like news, events, products, services, search, contact form, blog, galery etc.
The service includes complex solution with the simple in use admin panel to manage all the pages and modules on site.
Contact us for more details.